Mandys Crochet and Diet Blog

A site dedicated to crochet and loosing weight.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A Difficult Few Days

What a shocker of a day I've had! I stuffed up majorly at work, it's going to cost my business (it's my own company) a lot of money to correct my stuff up. I don't even know what caused it, but it's really got me down at the moment. I really think I've bitten off far more than I can chew. Granted, I'm only a small wheel in the company, my DH and business partner are the real driving force. Both of them are really disappointed in me at the moment. They can't be more disappointed than I am though. God only knows what happened, major brain bleed is all I can put it down to.

Because I've been so down, my diet has blown out. I worked until 11pm last night, ended up with junk for lunch and pizza for dinner. PLUS no time to exercise. Thank God my Pilates class starts again tonight. I just hope I can get out of this damn office in time to get home for it. Not sticking to my diet is another reason I'm feeling really down.

Onto my crafty endeavours. I've included some pictures today. One is a picture of my work to date on my Dad's knitted afghan. I'm making it for him for Christmas. It needs to be sturdy, so it's made from Panda Magnum Acrylic in 8ply. I'm knitting with my 4mm LisaG needles. I bought these needles especially for this project. The needles are hand-made wooden ones. I get a lot of pain in my fingers when I knit, and I find the wooden needles help with that. ( I've made 5 stripes for this afghan so far, and have 4 more to go to make it square. It's a simple pattern. Cast on 32 stitches, knit garter stitch until that colour is square (it varies with tension, for me that's 60 rows), change colour, knit garter till another square completes and so on and so forth. Each stripe starts with a different colour to make the patchwork pattern.

Also, I've included the beginnings of this damn pineapple doily that caused me so much greif to start with! I'm about a third of the way through now. I'm using DMC Cebilia Cotton #40 in Ecru, with a 1.25 mm crochet hook. I've forgotten the brand of crochet hook now, but I like it because it's got a plastic handle. I find that the plain steel hooks react with my hands and give me a rash, so the plastic section avoids that!


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